Dishes Made from Dust

Definition of Poverty

  1. Let us argue that poverty does not exist: One person from a country with a bigger purchasing power would finger toward the atlas’ rural farmers. It doesn’t mean they met this farmer; A load of imagery representations.

    A Rural Farmer

  2. On the other hand, one farmer would finger towards his wish to buy a big flat screen.

    His children would continue to be playful, whereas the children of the first have to learn to be adapted to the law of definitions.

    Two different ways to define the same man – “Poverty.” The meaning is void. And those are two examples of many more.

    Contemporary Definition to Individuality

  3. “Individual people” doesn’t mean those-who-respect-intimacy. Individuality can also be defined by the freedom to choose a character, a superhero, to nourish a self-validity belief.

    Under this state, any scientific observation of the subconscious is being neglected. Self-validity, love of the self, egoism points to the same meaning: A self-defense or A survival.

    Continue reading “Dishes Made from Dust”

For Eternity

A moist decay rests on this place, of yesterday’s burnt sunflower field, and on it, she tears, while I am ruling them out of me. Like her people, she is incapable of watching the surrounded heavens. And still, something about her sin I bear, and not afraid from, since out of such a-woman-of-dust, I came from.

Feb 21, 2016, 21:34
Photo: Unknown

A Balanced Market

Market Story Number I

She: This is stevia.

Stevia (/ˈstiːviə, ˈstɛviə/) noun
A plant, a natural substitute to sugar. It has almost no calories. Taste like artificial sweetener.

Me: I will show you why. On the front label, the plant name is being written. On the back, the accurate number is 4.1%.
She: What is your problem?
Me: The CEO has an obligation to provide private education to his children. I have obligations for my family members too.

Continue reading “A Balanced Market”

Eternal Peace

Her mother passed away two months ago, the father a year before, and today she is. My parents speaking about the tragedy, calling others to inform;It is somehow the leftovers of the communal sense.

“Amir, do you know who passed away today? The daughter of Tzipora (bird). I know how close you were with each other. She asked about you many times during her mother’s mourning days (שבעה)”.

They are ultra-Orthodox, which means those-who-worship-God-in-every-step-of-life… and this bond we had between two different communities is a rare sight. This is how Israeli society has been arranged.

Now they are preparing themselves for the funeral. The Holy-Man (Rabbi) would prepare the body of the deceased for a hole in the ground. Would ask in behalf of the participants for forgiveness. 4 man would take her for eternal peace (למנוחת עולמים). And I would be here with the keyboard also because of the COVID-19 spread. 

Image: Jess Foami

Those Dishes

When the mighty creator, which some refer as The-God, and his loyal angels were frustrated, as the First-Man (Adam) complained of being lonely… Therefore, this creator was inventing the word Love

“Our Lord, to which we serve, who rules the garden, your existence beyond your knowledge makes us only humble. What is this Love”

“Love is a feeling”
“We ask you to be more descriptive”

Because his thinking stretched from the Beginning of Times to the never-ending cycles, billions of years have been examined over long-long periods… and he came up with an explanation

Love is Food

“Love is FOOD”
“We don’t see the logic”
“The hunger of our Adam would open his eyes”
His word is The-Truth and they were obliged to The-First-Man wish

Image: Sasin Tipchai

the rest of the story

Continue reading “Those Dishes”
