To hold the body of the deceased that was placed by the holy-man… in Israel it is the job that led by the Rabbi, the Rabbi purified the body at the purified bath. The Rabbi also asks the attendees to repeat him and ask for forgiveness. Then, convoyed by the Rabbi, 4 men, or on a car, taking the body of the deceased on its last journey, to a body-sized hole in the ground. Yesterday I was one of those 4 men, and while holding on the left, I was surprised to see my brother on the right. The holy-man preys. “Brother”, I have called him. Tweets, sand winds. I’m looking into his eyes: “This is auntie”. The sister of our mom… So strange to feel so many memories in one word – auntie. Auntie was covered by 5 heavy cement boards with soil above.
Face masks on us. Gloves on mine.